Find junk mail quick
- Written by Jason Feinberg
- Published in Tips & Tricks
- Read 1354 times
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Have you ever opened up your email and all of the sudden there are 10s if not hundreds of unsolicited emails in your folder?
And worse, what if you don't check your email for a day or two? It certianly can be time consuming looking at each one of those emails that slipped past your junk and spam filters. Even more so, what if you accidently delete an email that you need? Well, here is a pretty quick and easy step you can take to easily identify and delete those unwanted emails.
Simply go to your search and type in "Unsubscribe". This will search for every email with the work unsubscribe. All of the junk mails that you have recieved should have an unsubscribe link, which is pretty much just as usless as the close the elevator door button that never works. When the search returns with the results, you should see most if not all the messages returned are the unsolicited emails you're looking to delete.
A word of caution though. If you legitimately signed up for a newsletter or membership to something then these emails that you want will most likely be included in the search results. So look carefully before you delete.